Addressing of Modicon PLC Micro TSX 3722
Digital Input
%I 1.0 to %I 1.15
Digital Output
%Q 2.0 to %Q 2.11
Analog Input
%IW3.0 to % IW3.1
Analog Output
%QW3.0 to % QW3.1
%TM0 to %TM63
For Timers : Time Delay = Time Base * Preset
Time Done Bit : %TMx.Q
Where X is address of Timer used.
%C0 to %C31
For Counter: Preset is number of Counts.
Counter Done Bit : %Cx.Q
Where X is address of counter used.
%MW0 to %MW 512
%M0 to %M255
Programming Software : PL7Pro
Driver For Programming: X-Way Driver
Driver For SCADA Communication : Modbus